Step 1: Boot OS
Download the OS from here
Download the etcher from here
Extract the image file from the downloaded OS
Plug your sd card into the system
Open the etcher, select the image, and your sd card
Press the flash button
Congo!! you have successfully booted the os on the sd card.
Step 2: Turn on the pie
Now we need to create two files in the raspberry pi boot folder inside the sd card. First, create a file named ssh (without any extension) using the command
touch ssh
Create a second file named wpa_supplicant.conf
country=<Insert country code here> # IN (INDIA)
ssid="<Name of your WiFi>"
psk="<Password for your WiFi>"
Now insert the sd card into your raspberry pi and power it on.
Step 3: Find the IP
Now we need to find the IP address of raspberry
Install Nmap using this command
sudo apt install nmap
Now get your system IP address using the command ifconfig.
Now scan your whole network using the command
nmap -sn <your ip address>/24
Note: replace your IP address's last digit with 0. For example: with
Now you need to manually identify the IP address of your raspberry.
To verify the IP we need to ssh into the raspberry pi with each IP.
Step 4: SSH to pie
For each IP ssh using the command
ssh pi@<ip address>
The default password is raspberry
Now you have successfully logged in to your raspberry pi
Step 5: Enable root user
Now you are logged in as user pi, which is the default user
Enable the root user to log in using ssh
First, log in with the pi user using the default password which is raspberry
Now write this command to login as root
sudo su
Now edit the file /etc/ssh/sshd_config using command
nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Change the text #PermitRootLogin without-password to PermitRootLogin yes
Now save and exit the file
Now run the command to restart the ssh service
/etc/init.d/ssh restart
Now set your root password using the command
passwd root
Now enter your password.
Once you have successfully set the password, you can log in to raspberry as the root user using the command
ssh root@<raspberry ip address>